Sun shine!

Source : Google images.

Today is Sunday!

I woke up to a beautiful sunshine, the bright light sneaked right through the windows and hit my face. It felt like a calling... a calling assuring that its gonna be a great day..

Smile was instant!

As I walked closer to the window...I see, fresh green leaves covered with tiny drop lets of late night showers, dancing to the cool breezy song..

Refreshed my mind!

Suddenly a voice I heard, screaming yet loving, "Good morning" - the hope in her voice reassures life in every way possible, I guess all moms have that magical power..

Loved, I am!

Walking across the hall way, I see my dad... sitting on the sofa with a news paper and cup of coffee, the love, the strength... care, and support that he shows to his family ....makes me only say - he is my HERO, and I will always be his little girl..

Feel blessed!

No way silence will deafen you, if you have a sibling around you. The playfulness, annoying crankiness.. yet admirable cuteness in them... will make your day! 

Lucky me!

Beautifully cooked food, crafted with plenty of love... tossed with a bit of wine, with the people who love you forever more! Can the day get any better? Does life need anything more?

Sitting across the garden, swinging my old wooden pal... the sight of my family... the unconditional love.. and the warmth from the sun shine... makes the heart feel light and stay at peace. 

A promising evening.

As I look up the wide blue sky.. slowly giving in to the darkness of the dusk... heart feels a bit of an unrest. The sight of the sun set, though a glory to watch, makes me wonder - will it take way the warmth of its shine? Or should I just believe, the moon rising up with light of the sun, will reassure a peaceful night, guarding till the dawn rises to shine again?

Holding on to the stars, hoping to wake up to a brighter SUN - DAY.

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